Saturday, March 31, 2018

Coffee Tables

I ran out of ideas of things to write about so I said to Jesse, "pick something for me to write about." He started being thoughtful and thinking of clever things, and I said, "just pick whatever comes to your mind, ready go." He picked coffee tables. Well, ok then. Here goes.

We have a coffee table. We have two actually, one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs.

When Aaron's awake, it serves as a buffer between him and our fireplace. He learned how to pull part of the cover off the fireplace, and he likes to try to do that because he knows I don't want him to. Sometimes I also like to turn the fireplace on in the early morning, and I don't want him touching it. When I turn it on, I'll pull the ottoman next to the coffee table, and then I can sit in front of the fireplace and also have a complete barrier. The problem is, is that Autumn thinks that once the fireplace is on, this is the only spot she can sit in our entire house. She will be sound asleep, and once I move that ottoman, she stands in front of me and just stares me down until I get up. I don't, and then I point to all 600 other places she could sit, but she can be pretty relentless. Usually she gets her way when I have to go chase Aaron around the house- I'll come back and she's sitting there, basking in the heat from the fireplace.

Our coffee table has some slots where you can put some things, like newspapers. We keep the Shopper there. And the Sunday paper that I signed up for so I could get a $10 Piggly Wiggly gift card and also to appease the nice and persistent man signing people up for the newspaper at the store. Aaron likes to take all of those papers out and then step on them and slide them around the floor. Sometimes he'll pick one up and shake it and squeal like he just discovered magic.

At night, we move the coffee table back to where it belongs, and we set our evening snacks on it. The usual snacks are black pepper Triscuts and hummus, chips and guacamole, some gouda for Jesse, one of those nature valley almond cracker/cookie things, or possibly a bag of chocolate chips.

Without our coffee table, there's a good chance I will set my class of water on the floor and Jesse will knock it over and exasperatedly say, "can you not put cups of water on the floor?"

This post proves that I can find things to say about most things. Try me.

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