Friday, March 9, 2018


If you've talked to me in the last 6 months, you probably know that I'm kind of obsessed with the Enneagram. Here's what The Road Back to You says the Enneagram is: "an ancient body of wisdom that identifies nine core personality types and how each sees and interacts with the world." (their website, because I didn't read the book). That was a better definition than I could have come up with. If you want to know more than that sentence, click here, or just google search "enneagram" and you'll find one million things you can click on.

I typed myself as a "2" with a "3" wing. 2s are usually called the "helper" and 3s are usually called the "achiever" or "entertainer." I'll sum up what it looks like for me with a few bullet points:

-I like people
-I like helping people
-It's my responsibility to help people
-Classic people-pleaser
-I want you to think I'm a considerate, giving, and good person. I want to be those things too, but I want you to think them even more.
-Sometimes, I like to be needed. Mostly. Until it gets overwhelming. Also, I know that I'm not supposed to like being needed, so I work on that.
-I want to be your friend.
-Sometimes I'm hurt/annoyed when people aren't as considerate as I want them to be.
-I HATE being left out.

Those are the 2 things. The 3 things for me are:
-I want to be good at things
-Being asked if I'd like to move up, do more, or getting offered this special position/leadership role/voluneer thing is suuuuper tempting to me. Even if I don't want to do it.
-I want to make you laugh, always.
-Sometimes I get swept up in acting like who I think you want me to be.
-I like to be a leader
-I loved bragging about my good grades when I was a kid.

There are more things, but I'm pretty sure if I write them, it will feel like oversharing (if it didn't already). The thing about the Enneagram is that if you get into it, it requires you to be pretty brutally honest with yourself. You get to be honest about the gifts and strengths of your number, but also the unique stuff/baggage of your number that you carefully try to manage.

So, here's what you should do. Figure out your number. Get a little obsessed too. Then we can talk about it for hours and we'll get each other and stuff.

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