Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Some of my favorite years in my life were in high school with our church's "Senior Luther League"- SrLL. I spent like 70% of my time at church, and another 20% with my BFFs from church, and like 10% for eating, school, homework, sleep, etc.

Here are some favorite memories:
  1. Monday night bible study: sitting on the floor of people's living rooms and singing camp songs with all of the ridiculous hand motions that no one asked us to do. 
  2. Rafting in Montana and staring at the biggest, beautifulest sky and having deep talks, and gazing at our camp counselor, Mike, who I thought I actually had a chance with.
  3. Building houses in Tijuana and painting our clothes as much as the house, and the hospitality and kindness of the future home owners. 
  4. Wakeboarding and waterskiing (and NEVER TUBING because I hate it) in Lake Mojave and then getting to eat all night at the buffets in Laughlin.
  5. Surprising people in Denny's and Denny's- like restaurants by singing the Johnny Appleseed prayer and other fun ones like that.
  6. Making up the game called "No Shame" with my besties. It was like telephone, but gross and inappropriate and funny and sometimes mean. Instead of saying what you thought the person whispered in your ear, you had to say the first thing you thought of, and we were like 16, so..
  7. Holden Evening Prayer and Steve & Gwen singing the Magnificat and Psalm 141 forever. And also giggling up in the balcony. 
  8. Writing special notes on the open space of the bulletin to Rachel and Stephanie during the 8 am service, because our families weren't sitting together and apparently we missed each other too much.
  9. Easter Sunrise service and serving pancakes until noon.
  10. MC-ing the Talent Show with Stephanie and wearing a giant money that I found at a Party City for my rap scene in the dance we made up.
  11. Sitting with Matt and Shannon at the beach, talking about life and faith, and being overwhelmed at the enormity of God and God's love for us.
  12. No Holds Barred.
  13. Jr. Chaperoning choir tours.
  14. Choir tours! Epecially all day in the bus, making up games, finding innovative ways to get comfortable and take a nap, and fighting over who got to sit in the aisle.
  15. Putting on knee pads for broom hockey (played with actual brooms), so I could pretend like I was really helping our team by diving on my knees periodically to get the ball. 
  16. Singing "The Light Still Shines" at the 11:00 service on Christmas Eve.
  17. PL waking us up every morning on any trip with "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning."
  18. Rachel and I getting to "kidnap" our sisters, and surprise them with a giant welcome to SrLL by waking them up a 5 am and drawing all over their faces with crayola markers.
  19. The one boom box we were allowed to use on the bus to listen to music. There was a summer that included a lot of Backstreet Boys.
  20. Getting to be on the "Servant Corps" for the Western States Youth Gathering in San Jose.
  21. P.L. was coming home from a trip and realized he wasn't able to get to bible study, so he called me a few minutes before it started and asked if I would lead it. He gave me the topic and some questions, and then I did it. It was one of those moments where I knew that's the kind of thing I was meant to do. Afterward my friends told me they were taking bets on how long bible study would last (it was supposed to be 2 hours and they were guessing like 15 minutes), and I surprised all of them with an hour and 10ish.
So, so, so many more memories. 

Here's a few pics!

SrLL people, what are YOUR fav memories??

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