Monday, March 5, 2018

Medium Large

When it comes to politics and social issues, I usually describe myself as a liberal. Or a moderate. Or a moderate liberal? Or perhaps a liberal moderate? I'm not really sure. Like if 1 was very conservative and 10 was very liberal, then maybe I'd be a 7.2, or some range of 4-9 on various issues.

You know how sometimes you can buy clothes that are two sizes at the same time? Like shoes that are a 5/6 or shirts that are S/M (which now I'm wondering if they really are "SM" and that's probably just an abbreviation for "small"?... well, just go with it). I'm probably like that. So, with politics, I guess I'm a M/L?

So far, in every election I've been old enough to vote in, I've voted Democrat. Well, that's not totally true. I didn't vote in the first election I was old enough to vote in (2004). I decided to research the issues and candidates the day of the election and got overwhelmed and just didn't do it. I regret it now, but also I was a new freshmen in college and turned 18 not even a month before. (Yes, I started college when I was 17. Side note, when I turned 18, my roommates took me to Borderline, because you had to be at least 18 to get in. Some kids called it "the club" and that's funny because it's definitely a country bar and grill with occassional hip hop on the weekends. Anyways.). For several years I was registered as "declined to state." I'm pretty sure now I'm registered as a Democrat, but I'm definitely not going to be more faithful to a party than my values, logic, kindness, decency, etc. I'll vote for who and what I think is best.    

Maybe it's more like this: I tend to lean left, but I also try live in the middle. I think our country probably needs more middle. Or at the very least, that we'd occassionally meet each other in the middle, so we could have clarity, understanding, perhaps even agreement on things. The whole picking sides and imagining the other side as _________ (fill in the blank with whatever unhelpful word you feel like you want to call the side you don't think you're on), really isn't helpful. Also, and we could use more listening and learning, instead of yelling and spouting.  


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