Friday, March 23, 2018

Daniel Tiger

We watch a lot of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood at our house. Everyday from 8:30- 9:30 am. It's the best. I watch it more than Aaron does. I'm not even really ashamed about that. Here's a list of reasons why I love it so much.
  1. It's Mr. Rogers 2.0. I like that Aaron's watching a similar show to one I grew up watching. Daniel even puts on his sweater by the door at the beginning of every show.
  2. The show's all about being a good neighbor. Like in a biblical way, like everyone is your neighbor and neighbors take care of each other.
  3. There's a good life lesson in every episode, in a catchy one sentence song. Here are a few favorites:
    1. See what it is, your might feel better
    2. When you get so mad, that you want to roar, take a deep breath, and count to 4.
    3. When a friend doesn't want to play with you, you can find something else to do.
    4. Sharing with you is fun for me too.
    5. When something seems bad, turn it around and find something good.
    6. Stop, think, and choose
    7. Find out what's different and what's the same
  4. The good life lessons in every episode in a catchy one sentence song aren't just for kids. The "stop, think, and choose" one was about making choices/voting. That's all I'll say about that.
  5. The characters that are human are racially diverse, and the rest are animals. :-) 
  6. Families are diverse; they aren't all the nuclear family (although Daniel's family is)- O seems like he's being raised by his uncle, I can't quite tell if Miss Elaina's parents are together, and I don't think I've ever seen Catarina's dad.
  7. Prince Wednesday is a royalty, and still goes to a public preschool. 
  8. A tiger, an owl, and a cat all go to a public preschool with humans, and no one eats anyone.
  9. All the adults on the show are really emotionally aware and non-reactive.
  10. All of the kids respond well to reason and make positive changes after being gently corrected.
  11. It makes me think that if Aaron watches this show everyday, he's going to be this perfect kid like Daniel.
  12. ..or at least I'll learn some tips to be a better parent.
  13. The theme song is really catchy and happy.

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