Thursday, March 29, 2018

Today we went to the zoo.

We got a zoo pass for Christmas from my in-laws (BEST GIFT). It was pretty nice out this morning, and me and Aaron were free, so we went to the zoo.

Half way through the drive (it's like 45 mins away), I realized that I left the stroller at home. I wasn't about to turn around, and I wasn't about to rent one, so I can't really use my arms right now. Last time we went, Aaron wanted to walk a lot, so I hoped he'd want to walk a lot today too. He did, but he didn't want to walk the same direction as me. There was a lot to look at.

So, let me tell you about Aaron's favorite things at the zoo:

1. The recycling container that's shaped like a coke bottle. He said, "woooww" and "a-dis?" whenever he saw one (a-dis means, "what's this?"/can I see that thing?).

2. Very small rocks mixed in with dirt on the grassy part next to the sidewalk, that you aren't really supposed to walk on.

3. All of the grassy part next to the sidewalk, that you aren't really supposed to walk on.

4. The peacocks. He tried to pet one of them.

5. Some of the fish, others he stayed verrryyy close to me when he saw them.

6. Every now and then we'd see the metal lid to that leads to the sewer or a drain in the sidewalk, and we had to stop and see all of those.

7. A heater in one of the buildings.

8. The fake trees and the real trees.

9. The picture of the animal next to the actual animal we were supposed to be seeing.

10. Elk.

11. The booth that sold snacks like popcorn and cotton candy, but it's wasn't open.

12. Other kids. He also didn't like other kids. When they were loud and crowdy, he didn't like that so much. Other times he stared at them and tried to hang out with them. At one point, he just walked over to a mom and grabbed her leg. He didn't think it was me, I was right next to him.

13. Empty cages where the bears were supposed to be.

14. He also liked the camels.

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