Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's Holy Week

It's Holy Week. And that means the following things:

1. My brain is out of creativity. I'm using 70% to think of something meaningful on Sunday, and Thursday, and Friday. And 20% on playing games with Aaron. And 5% on this blog. And I'm keeping 5% in case I need it for something else.

2. I'm pretty tired thinking about how tired I'm going to be.

3. But also I'm happy because it's one of my favorite weeks of the year and it's lovely and holy and one of the best parts of my job.

4. I'm running out of things to write about. The last three years that I've done this, I've made up a random list of post titles and then picked one each day. The only ones that are left are left for a reason. They aren't as funny as I thought they were or they will require a lot of time, creativity and thoughtfulness... and I'm just looking to not do that much today.

5. I'm kind of distracted because there are like 5 different sermons in my head. These aren't 5 sermons that I'm actually going to give, they are just 5 very different options for things I could talk about this weekend, and they are getting all kinds of confused in my head and also I'm not sure which one to pick.

6. This blog is coming to an end for the year and now I'm going to have to find some new things to do with my life.

If you have random topics you would like to see in the next 3 days, send them my way. :-)

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