Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Thank you cards

Our internet is tired and doesn’t want to work tonight, so I have to type this on my phone and use some data. And that means this will be pretty short.

Here are a few thoughts about thank you cards:

  • I’m terrible at sending them. I still have some thank yous to send for our wedding. I found a stack of cards like two years later that I never sent because they were missing addresses and I couldn’t quite find the motivation to find them.
  • I’m terrible at remembering to send them. I only ever think about it when I’m driving or at 3 am and neither are ideal card signing and mailing times.
  • If I’ve already thanked you for something, I don’t think I need to send you a card with the same words in it. Likewise, if you thanked me for something, you really don’t need to send me a card.
  • I’m sorry to everyone who likes thank you cards and is still waiting for one from me. I promise I’m thankful. If it makes you feel better, there’s a good chance your card is in a stack in the closet and I just haven’t sent it yet. (I’m probably not going to send it if I find it though).

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