Monday, March 12, 2018


Time is linear. Sometimes I think about: what if time wasn't linear? Or what if it isn't always linear? What if when this world is over, we know what it's like to exist outside of time? I can't really understand what that would be like, so it makes my head hurt. Also, you probably know that I'm a little nerdy and I think about stuff like this a lot. I watched all the seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica, for example. And, then I found out I knew a bunch of people who also watched it. Which means either it's cooler than I thought or I have a lot of nerdy friends?

Ok, so here's what this post is about- thoughts on time and aging (and the closest I'll probably ever be to understanding the fluidity of time). Here's some random thoughts:

  • I can say this because I'm only 31, but I think it's really a lovely thing that we come into this world dependent, and (if we're lucky enough to live a long life) we move closer and closer toward dependency again as we near death. From a faith perspective, I feel like so much of what faith is, is trusting and depending on God. It's our life's work to try to let go of our wills and control, and trust. So, I like that in the beginning and the end, we are sort of forced into dependency- that life begins still reminscent of purer dependency on our maker, and as we get closer to this life being over, we extra need to remember how to depend again.
  • One of my very best friends died when I was in high school. He was 19 and I was 15. He was always a wise, big brother-mentor to me. But, now I'm a lot older than he was when he died. I passed him up 12 years ago now, but he has continued to age in my mind. He's still older than me. I don't know if that will always be true, but maybe? It's definitely be true for longer than I ever imagined.
  • When I was in like 5th grade, 6th graders were OLD. And so so so cool. I would go from obnoxious and ridiculous and outgoing with my peers and turn silent and shy as soon as the cool, older kids showed up. And at some point, this changes. And then it changes a lot. Being in the church world, I regularly spend a lot of time with people older than me. Some of my most favorite people in my life have been a good 40, even 50 years older than me. And I think they're fun and I like spending time with them. 
  • Kind of as an add on, different milestones in life also make people seem older. Like parenthood. Other moms who are several years younger than me, but have kids who are older than mine, somehow shift to older than me. They have wisdom that I don't have yet and I look up to them. 
  • Looking at pictures and telling stories is like going back in time. I love watching home movies, looking at old pictures, and starting a million stories with, "hey, remember that one time when we..." It brings me back, and sometimes the memories are so vivid, I can feel exactly what I felt when I was there the first time.
Anyone else have any deep thoughts? Did anyone else watch Battlestar Galactica? 

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