Saturday, March 31, 2018

Church Newsletters

I work a little bit at camp helping with the capital campaign. I do a lot of random research, like one project I had was researching what congregations had WELCA groups (women of the ELCA). So, I looked at a million websites trying to find information. Some congregations had loads of information on their site, and the most current info I could find came from their newsletters.

I've looked at hundreds of church newsletters. And here's the number one takeaway: Lutheran churches come up with some really interesting, as well as Minnesota interesting, newsletter names. Some are funny, some are ridiculous, some super date them, some are great at alliteration, some are coooorrnnnnyy, some aren't fancy and just call it "newsletter" or "news," some are connected somehow to a biblical image, and some are the same as all the other congregations.  Here's a list of Lutheran church newsletters that I found online:

Shepherd's Staff
The Good Word
The Spirit
The Galilean
The Column
News & Views
The Messenger (I'd say about 1/8 of all the church newletters are named "Messenger")
The Advocate
News in the Pews (this one gets rhyming and being clever at the same time points)
The Light
Parish Visitor
St. Peter's Press
St. John's Journal
News & Notes
Parish News
The Voice
The Good News
The Parables
Monthly News
Spirit of Saint Andrew
New Vision News

Also, some of these are even more fun and/or more ridiculous and/or more clever and/or funny, because they're puns on their church name. Lifeline is one of those, it's from New Life Lutheran. That's thought out.

Alright, churchy/pastory/ministry leadery people, anyone think they have the best or most ridiculous or funniest or coolest newsletter name?


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