Saturday, March 17, 2018

A dream I had last night.

Let me tell you about my dream last night.

I was at an event and so were The Property Brothers. 

I was eating some complementary appetizers and Jonathan and Drew were close by. I could hear Drew talking about his new home in Agoura (I watched an episode of his and his fiance's show about renovating their new home in CA, I don't think it's Agoura, but in my dream it was). My hometown is like a minute from Agoura, so I yelled out, "Oh! I'm from Thousand Oaks!"

I was definitely interrupting, but it seemed to be a cool enough connection at this random event that we were all at (presumably somewhere in the midwest), that they feigned interest and kept talking to me. We started talking about how expensive homes are in Southern CA and how tough it is for most people to buy a home. I agreed and said, with food in my mouth because I didn't want to miss an opportunity to keep this conversation going,"I know, my parents' haven't been able to buy a house since 1992." (Which is definitely a date that dream Kelli made up). 

Then we transitioned to Drew feeling a little homesick being in the LA area, but Jonathan reminded him, that the midwest weather really wasn't for him. I had some empathy and solidarity with Drew and told him "ya, I've basically been homesick for ten years straight." which is a super exaggeration, but also, it's not 100% not true either. Jonathan was a little taken back by my vulnerability and oversharing, that he gave me a tight smile that communicated to me: "I'm a little uncomfortable." I think Drew had more compassion though, because clearly he was also feeling that way.

Then, I saw them looking at each other, and they started to talk quietly to each other about something they could do for our family and my homesickness. They were about to offer building us a second home in California (because of course, what bigger gesture of goodwill and charity could you give, than offering a stranger who already has a house of their own, a second home in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country because of homesickness? I can't think of anything either.) but before they could offer us this generous gift, Jesse brought Aaron in the room and let him snuggle with me and share my pillow, which was nice, but also I woke up. 

And in those 15 seconds of waking up, there was a little part of me that was mad at Jesse because had he waited just a couple minutes, we would have gotten a brand new house in Southern California.      

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