Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Lenten Diet

I used to give up something for Lent every year. I usually switched between desserts, fast food, and soda. I want to believe I had good intentions, that I wanted a good spiritual discipline, but let's be real, it was a diet. The only difference between my Lenten practices and health kicks I would go on before summer is that I would actually follow through during Lent. For God. And hey, wouldn't it be a fun bonus if those pants I've had at the bottom of my drawer fit again as a result of my faithfulness? I can't say that there was no helpfulness in my fasting practice, but I had mixed motives at best.

So, instead, I'm picking my blog back up again. Last year when I did this, it helped me be creative, a little vulnerable, and lighthearted (and disciplined!) every day. That feels a bit more faithful to me. So, that's what I'm going to do, while eating cake. Read it if you want. :-)

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