Monday, March 20, 2017

My kid is helping me give up the following for Lent:

In addition to writing this blog everyday, Aaron is helping me fast from a bunch of things for Lent and possibly for several years after Lent is over. Here's what I can think of so far:

  • Sleeping for more than a few hours at a time
  • Sleeping soundly
  • Sleeping without periodically waking up and making sure he's still breathing
  • Eating a nice leisurely meal
  • Eating all of my meals with access to both of my arms
  • Eating in silence
  • Remembering things (today I forgot my phone number)
  • Remembering all of the words that I want to say in a sentence. Most of them go like this: Today I went to the uh, the, uh, you know the place with the food, the grocery store, and they were out of that one candy, no I mean bar, those one things, the granola, granola bars that I like. 
  • Staying awake when sitting down
  • Wanting to go to bed after 9
  • Leaving the house whenever I want
There are more but remember, I can't remember things.

I'm not sure how this sounds to you as you're reading this. I hope it doesn't make me sound ungrateful. To be very clear, I will gladly give up all of these things forever if it means getting to have this kiddo in my life. :-)

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