Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Senior Quote and/or Smiling

In our high school year book, the seniors got to put a favorite quote under their name (do all schools do this or just mine?). I spent a lot of time reading through all of my best quotes from my quote book, so I could pick the perfect one to represent myself (and also inspire people [insert the cry-laughing emoji]). 

After lots of research, I landed on: "A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight."

It's a little cheesy, but I also think it's wise. Smiling makes things a lot better sometimes. If it's a tense conversation, a smile helps diffuse it. If you're annoyed and you force yourself to smile, sometimes you can convince yourself that you want to smile, and sometimes after enough smiling, you might not even be annoyed anymore. If you're saying something potentially contentious or divisive, a smile can communicate some of the following: "I could be wrong" or "I don't take myself TOO seriously" or "if you disagree, we can still be friends." If a relationship is on the mend, a smile can speed the healing process along. A smile can connect strangers walking by each other on the street. A smile can say "I like you" or "I love you" or "I'm here for you." All in all, if you're not sure if you should smile, I'd err on the side of smile.

To quote Buddy the Elf, "I love smiling. Smiling's my favorite."

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