Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Perfect Piece of Cake

When I was pregnant, I found out about six months in that I had gestational diabetes. We got it under control with a careful diet and exercise, but that meant a lot less carbs and pretty much no dessert. The problem with that kind of diet when you're pregant is CRAVINGS. I think especially since I couldn't eat dessert, it became all I wanted. Especially cake. Chocolate cake.

The last month of pregnancy I pretty much didn't sleep. Between going to the bathroom every six seconds and having early contractions off and on, I spent a lot of the night thinking. I mostly thought about all the foods I could eat after I delivered Aaron, and I'd spend hours of the night watching dessert recipe videos. All the while, I was designing the perfect piece of cake in my head, waiting for the day I could eat it. Here's what it would be:

  • Chocolate cake
  • Three layers
  • Chocolate ganoche on top and in the layers (I think that's what it's called. The really thick chocolate frosting?)
  • Maybe an extra in between layer of chocolate mousse
  • Those chocolate ribbons on top
  • Also whipped cream on top 

And guess what? On Aaron's birthday, my sisters bought me a giant piece of chocolate cake. And it was pretty much my dream cake and everything I hoped it would be.

I didn't take a pic of it, but these aren't too far off:

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