Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sleep Deprived Hallucinations

Well, no one is surprised, but I'm pretty tired. Infants are a lot of work. And our kiddo must be having a growth spurt, because he's hungry all the time, including all night. It's ok, that's what infants do. I'm just pretty tired. So a funny thing has happened to me a bunch of times in the middle of the night. In that in between zone of being awake or asleep, I am convinced that Aaron is in our bed with us. I've caught myself panicking because I think I've rolled over him or that he's going to fall off. I've caught myself rubbing the comforter thinking it was his back. I also snuggled with a rolled up part of the blanket for a while. In the moment, I'm convinced this is really happening and sometimes I even think I see him- though who knows if I actually have my eyes open or not. #sleepdeprivation

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