Monday, March 13, 2017

This is harder now

I remembered at 11 last night as I got in bed that I forgot to write something. I was kind of loopy tired so I went to bed instead. And now it's 10:50 and I am in bed and I realized I haven't posted something yet... again. This Lent blog is a lot harder with an infant. I have no idea where the day went. Somehow as I'm getting ready to sit down and watch tv and sort of settle in for the day, I look over and see Jesse getting ready for bed and realize that it's almost 11 again. Life is really good and really different all of a sudden.

I started this blog as a Lenten practice last year and it was really good for me. I had to be a little creative and vulnerable and it was exactly what I needed to be doing right then. This year is a lot harder. I can't put nearly as much thought or time into it and I'm posting things way before I feel ready to hit "publish". As I'm thinking about it though, that's what's important about this practice for me this year.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and in this season of life, I really need to set that aside. I always need to learn to set that aside, but as a new mom, I really need to just be content with who I am and what I can do. Lent is about coming to terms with our humanness and our brokenness and realizing just how much we need God. Thanks blog for helping me do Lent better.

Also, I wrote this all from my phone.

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