Thursday, March 30, 2017

I don't want to watch myself watch tv

Sometimes people talk about how when you die, you get to watch your life flash before your eyes. I'm not sure this is something that actually happens, and I won't be able to say for sure if it is until I come to the end of my life. Here's what I do know, if it's true, I don't want to watch myself watch tv. Or look at my phone. Or other boring things like that. Sure there's a lot going on in some of the shows I like to watch, and you can connect well to people online, but there's no substitute for real people and doing real things. If I have to watch myself binge watching netflix, that will be a pretty boring life to watch. I try to think about that when I'm binge watching netflix.

If you could watch your life, would you be bored by what you saw? If so, maybe go do something else. Maybe even do something kind of brave.

Here's a good Donald Miller quote: "Right before you die, you'll realize your whole life was about loving people. And you watched too much television."

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