Friday, March 24, 2017


Sometimes I think I have ADD. I've never been tested so I can't tell you for sure. It doesn't really matter if I am or if I'm not, what matters is that I think a lot of things at the same time and it's very distracting. I'm going to take the next five minutes or so and just write down a bunch of random thoughts that I have:
  • Hi grandma! My grandma reads this blog the most faithfully. She even prints out the pages.
  • Aaron just made a cute squeal and it made Jesse laugh and I like that.
  • I'm actually already having a hard time with this because it takes me too long to finish typing a sentence before I think about something else.
  • I stopped to watch a weird basketball commercial.
  • I just imagined a bunch of people who could possibly read my blog.
  • And a memory about when me and a couple friends in our contemporary social theory class in college would study over margaritas because it helped us focus.
  • One time in seminary, I wrote a 10 page paper in about an hour at this dive-y bar with Heather.
  • Oh yeah, Heather wants me to play trivia crack with her.
  • I hope people don't think I drink too often, since I referenced drinking two sentences in a row.
  • Those two memories were several years a part, so I shouldn't worry about that.
  • Why is my skin so itchy?
  • I need to get the laundry out soon.
  • I wonder if Jesse will make pancakes tomorrow morning.
  • I'm too full to want pancakes right now.
  • Why did I eat so much food tonight?
  • Tomorrow I'm not allowed to have any sodium. That's a rule that I just made up for myself.
  • Did you know that the serving size for green olives is 2 and they contain 13% of your daily value of sodium. I ate like 10 of them today before I knew that. And then I ate 2.5 pieces of pizza. I feel puffy.
  • Aaron is the cutest baby that exists.
  • Jesse's a good dad.
  • I'm really glad he already got Aaron ready for bed.
  • I thought I wasn't that tired earlier, but I fell asleep right after dinner.
  • It was probably the pizza.
  • Now I'm guilty again for eating so much tonight.
  • I also had ice cream after the pizza. 
  • It'd be fine if I hadn't had 3 days worth of salt.
  • It was soy ice cream and the pizza had fake cheese for anyone who was worried.
  • I really think a lot about how other people are interpreting what I say in this blog. I've already caught myself wondering about what kind of judgments people are making like 7 times. That's a facinating realization.
  • It might be a good practice for people to just write down all of their thoughts.
  • I think weirder things that what I've typed. I'm leaving some of the weirder ones out. I just don't trust the internet with all of my ridiculous and private thoughts. Just some of my ridiculous and private thoughts.
  • I miss some people from Hastings.
  • And from the Twin Cities.
  • And from Thousand Oaks.
  • And other parts of California.
  • Johanna lives in San Diego and she's in Lebanon right now. She's so cool.
  • Stephanie's middle name is Lavonne and I gave her the nickname Stephanie Lebanon a few years ago. I don't know why. But I do kind of like it. I've since shortened it to Stephanie Lebs. I don't know if I told her that or not though.
  • When Stephanie I first hung out we were in seventh grade and our church beach day got cancelled because no one wanted to come and it was kind of cold. So, my mom dropped us off at the mall and we saw Notting Hill at the movie theater. We got the giant bag of popcorn and refilled it after the movie. Then, we went to Sweet Factory and got a bunch of candy. Then, we went to my house and ate a medium pizza. Then we had a sleepover. Then Stephanie got sick and had to go home. I'm feeling sick just thinking of all the stuff we ate. And guilty again for all the salt I had today. Also this memory is how me and Steph became BFFs.
  • Lots of other random thoughts about lots of friends.
  • The Office and all the best quotes.
Well, that was more like 10-15 minutes. Welcome to my brain.

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