Monday, March 27, 2017


It's another writing a post from my bed on my phone nights. My baby is currently "talking" to the pictures on the wall from his little bed and periodically spitting out his pacifier so that I can put it back in his mouth.

Life is really good these days. Its somehow more busy and less busy at the same time. It's the end of the day and I'm not  quite sure how we got there. I have a million things I want to do and I didn't really do any of them. These are most of my days now. It's good and challenging.

My sis has a tattoo that says "be". I think what it means to her is to find joy in simply being her. You don't have to be something you're not or constantly doing things to find meaning. Just be. That's what I think she thinks, so you'd have to ask her close I was to getting it. If I was, that's a good lesson for these days. I keep trying to do so many things and I time runs out and I can't. Just be-ing sounds really good. And healthy. And wise. Thanks sis for the wisdom on your arm.

And I already fell asleep, 3 times now. I'm going to just BE asleep. 💜

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