Saturday, March 26, 2016

I'm scared of talking about politics.

When I started this Lenten blog project, I made up a list of topics so that I could just pick one instead of having to come up with a topic AND something to say in the same day. I've used up most of the titles and there are just a couple left. This is one of them. There's a reason it was one of the last ones. I almost didn't do it, because I really AM scared of talking about politics, including talking ABOUT being scared of talking about politics it seems.

I have friends and family members all over the political spectrum. I love to learn from other people- about their experiences, their perspectives, and their beliefs. Sometimes they help me see a fuller picture, sometimes they even change my mind.

I appreciate thoughtful discussion that excludes name calling and arrogance. The kind of conversation that regards other people's thoughts and feelings with respect and care. I appreciate when people seek to understand each other, even and especially when they disagree. I appreciate when people are mindful about what words they choose to use. Not for the sake of just saying the correct thing, but for the sake of being kind and considerate to others who may see and experience the world differently than you do. And, I appreciate when people understand that we see and experience the world differently.

I have been blessed by many people who will have these kind of thoughtful and respectful conversations with me. I'm not as scared talking to them. We don't necessarily have to agree. Some of the most holy conversations for me have been with people that have widely different views from me and I have had the opportunity to learn from them and they from me. And the best part? We even liked each other afterwards!

A lot of the time though, these are not the political conversations that I see happening, particularly on the inter-webs.

I see a lot more yelling, And louder yelling over the already yelling people. Including the sneaky kind of yelling, which is to just shut down everyone else who disagrees with you.

You know what I want to do when you all are yelling? I want to scream really extra super loud or not talk at all.

Guys, please stop yelling. I don't hear you when you yell. And you definitely can't hear me. Why are we all so scared of listening?

And while we're at it, let's maybe own that those condescending political memes we've liked, shared, smiled at, texted to someone else, etc. don't help, either. We can do better.

Here's some good advice for when we're tempted the next time, which will be in the next 3 minutes or less:

If you're nice to me, I might even be brave enough to talk politics with you. No promises.

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