Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our pup, Autumn

Here are some facts and thoughts about our dog, Autumn:
  • Once was scared of a dandelion and tried to attack it.
  • Sits right in front of you and barks incessantly at you, until you move and she can take your spot on the couch.
  • Used to be really scared of puddles and the vacuum.
  • Favorite snacks are chunks of cauliflower and peanut butter anything.
  • Climbs into bed and then hovers over you until you wake up.
  • Barks at dogs on the TV.
  • Sleeps next to her bed.
  • Stands in the middle of the open slider door. She like to keep her options open. When she's extra stubborn, she will refuse to let you close the door.
  • Confused by fetch. She wants you to throw her toy, then she runs and gets it, and then she runs again and wants you to catch her and pry it out of her mouth. It's new fetch.
  • Loves pillows.
  • Hates when Jesse and I talk to each other, acknowledge each other, or show any affection toward each other.
  • REALLY hates the rain.
  • Wants us to scratch her nose sometimes.
  • Like a toddler when she gets tired. She barks and cries and is all agitated and hyper. Then she flops over and falls asleep. 
  • BFF is Emmett Joseph Carufel.
  • She smiles. Seriously, she does.
  • Quivers with fear when she has to take a bath.
  • Paces half of the night when friends are sleeping over, just WAITING until she can play with them again.
  • Does not understand that bees are not friends.
  • Prefers to chew her food outside. If the door is open, she will take a bit of her food, run outside, chew, come back for more, repeat.
  • Is the fastest and strongest dog I've ever known.
  • She almost died the first week we got her from Parvo. It's the puppy sickness from hell.
  • Filled with joy and insanity just at the prospect of getting to go in the car.
  • Does this cute little jump/leap/gallop thing when she's excitedly running toward you.
  • Thinks that every time Jesse and I are eating, she deserves a snack.
  • Used to have several stuffed animals. One time she ripped off all of their heads and then put them next to each other. It was like a dog toy graveyard.
  • Makes confetti out of any napkins that are left out.
  • Likes to snuggle. I've woken up in the middle of the night on occasion to find she's been spooning with me. 
Here are some fun pics of this ridiculous pup:

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