Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Short Story

You’ve never heard of the Pipsqueaks? You’re kidding? No, it’s not just a silly name for short people. Where else would they have come up with that name? The word Pipsqueak derived from the tiny gnome-like people that were told to have lived long ago, but most people have misplaced their history. Otherwise you would have known. If we’re lucky enough to been heard of, most think we’re just folklore and to be categorized with the leprechauns, unicorns, and jackalopes. It’s a shame, really. We’ve existed for thousands of years.

Oh yes, that’s right. Let’s get on with it, then. I must be the first Pipsqueak you’ve met, then, yes? Should I just tell my story then? Is mic loud enough? It better be, it’s about the size of my head. Right, right, let’s get on with it.
Good afternoon. My name is Mr. McDougal.

My whole life, I’ve wanted to have an opportunity to speak to you all. Since I was little kid even. I remember seeing these two kids about my age and they were playing in the woods and building a fort. They were laughing and teasing each other and I just wanted to join in. But we were to be in hiding. It was the Pipsqueak way. It was understood that we were never to be seen by you all, or our safety would be compromised.

Sir. Yes, you. In the second row. Don’t look so surprised! How were we to know what you all would do?

Where was I? Yes, I remember that day so well. We were living in our underground home at the time and I must have had my head poking out just a few inches to see what they were doing. Mother whacked my head faster and harder than I ever saw coming. She looked at me and she said, “Don’t you ever, ever, ever let them see you. Do you understand? They will hurt you given the chance.” She never had to tell me again. But, I never stopped wanting to meet you all.

Why am I here? Why now? I said I’ve always wished to meet you all, but you could also call it my dying wish. I know, that sounds dramatic, but it’s true. The end is drawing near for me. We all know it. I’m an old man and my bones are getting brittle and my body’s weak. And, I’m just plain tired.

I was lying in bed just the other night. The arthritis was particularly bad that day and I just felt so old. You know there are some days when you know you in your mind that you’re getting old and other days where your body can’t keep quiet about it. My body could not keep quiet, it was yelling from my joints, my back...

It dawned on me. I could die. Believe it or not I hadn’t thought about it much before that. One thing lead to another and I started to think about my life and moments along the way. My daughter marrying her sweetheart. My boy holding his momma’s hand. Or playing ball with him, and then his son once he became a father himself. I saw my bride take her last breaths after 48 wonderful years together and smiled with gratitude for getting to know her for so long.
But then I looked around at the walls of my modest home. Six feet under the surface.
Why are you laughing? Six feet under? Is that a phrase you use? Oh! Oh you’re kidding! What irony! Well, it is six feet under the ground. That’s pretty standard for Pipsqueak homes. We’re not very tall, we don’t need much more than that.

Why was I talking about my house? This is why I must meet you now, so I can at least remember you all for a little while.

The house...was underground. Why I was I telling you that? It was underground, that’s right! It was underground. What I’m trying to say is it dawned on me that so many of my memories, so much of my life was underground or out of sight. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a wonderful life. But now that my wife is gone and my kids are grown and having babies of their own, I’m starting to wonder if I don’t want the next months or years or whatever I’ve got left to be hidden anymore.

That day I told you about earlier about my mother again smacking me on the head telling me to stay out of sight, well I thought about that again. And I thought, I’ve only got a little time left to find out if she was right.

So here I am. I want you to know who the Pipsqueaks are... or at least me. I think the rest of them are still a bit timid. Might be for some time.

I’m here. And I’m real!

When you forgot about us, you turned our name into a word to describe someone as small or insignificant. Perhaps you were right. Ha ha ha, well definitely the small part… or perhaps you all are just too tall? Have you thought of that? I can’t say that you should think us significant either, with us being hidden so long.

All this to say, Hello. Nice to meet you. Finally. Thank you for seeing me.

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