Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You don't need good grammar all the times.

Sometimes my grammar isn't the best. Sometimes it's because I'm lazy and don't feel like correcting myself, even when I know what I said or wrote is improper English. I'm an out loud thinker, so pretty often I'm working out an idea or problem as I'm saying it, and haven't had a chance to be thoughtful about it (because out loud is the time when I'm getting to be thoughtful about it). I try out different words that don't necessarily make sense in the sentence, but I figure with enough context clues, you know what I mean. And you usually do, even if you're annoyed that my sentences didn't make sense.

Thanks to AOL Instant Messenger during my formative years, my writing isn't much better. I prefer to write in fragments in this blog, because I think it's easier to "hear" my "voice" that way.

BUT, there are lots of times when good grammar and spelling are really important. None more important than political debates on social media. If someone's getting all ranty and they've spelled several words wrong, the most satisfying answer includes something like, "ya, well, at least I know the difference between your and you're." or "that's the wrong kind of there." zing.

The most important thing I want to you to take away from this is: stay in school.

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