Saturday, March 5, 2016


Every time I talk about my sisters, I sing that Sisters song from White Christmas. If you want a song to stay in your head for weeks, this is the one for you. Or if you want to have a different and funnier song about sisters in your head, watch (and listen to) this one from SNL. It's my fav. Especially Kristen Wiig and her freaky tiny hands.

I love my sisters so much. We are best friends. Kristi's been in my life for almost 27 years and Kayti a little over 23. We've had ups and downs like families do, but we've settled on best friends for life.

Here are some of my favorite memories of my sisters:
  1. Dancing to Grandma and Grandpa's '50s music on cassettes and then filming it with a giant VHS recorder and then watching it later. You could also call it early narcissism.
  2. TGIF and eating Taco Bell on a blanket on the floor of the living room while watching the best TV line up: Full House, Family Matters, Boy Meets World, and Step by Step.
  3. Kickball, "20 Hits" (our version of baseball- we just hit the ball 20 times), biting tag (a game that Kristi made up- she would try to bite me and I would run), and riding bikes.
  4. Pictionary and other family games
  5.  All the family vacations and getting mad at each other for being squished in the backseat of the Ford Tempo.
  6. Getting to support each other through all of the milestones and important things in life.
  7. Pushing our beds together on Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa to come. 
  8. Spending all but one Christmas together.
  9. Disneyland one zillion times.
  10. Sister-cation to North Carolina.
  11. The dive-y-est bar and grill, Obb's and ordering cake and wine.
  12. Pizza Luce brunch.
  13. Walks around Como Park in the summer.
  14. When Kristi was little and couldn't say my name, so she called me "Fluffy" instead.
  15. When Kayti was little and couldn't say my name, so she called me "Bocka" instead.
  16. When I was in first grade and I cried at lunch because I missed my new sister Kayti.
  17. Playing in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
  18. All of our sister performances: the one caught on VHS when Kayti was like 5 and got nervous and itchy, the time I made Kristi and our cousin Erik learn a song and then yelled at them when they didn't perform it the way I wanted them to, and when we sang "Here I am, Lord" at church one summer and dedicated it to our mom.
  19. Watching the owls in front yard in the summer when we were in elementary school. Like really watch them. We'd set our lawn chairs out in the drive way and watch the owls that lived in the palm trees across the street. Sometimes they'd snatch up a mouse or something and that would be really cool.
  20. Reading all of the young adult dystopian novels and discussing them. That's not really a memory, that's just something that we do, currently, all the time.
And, one million more.

Every now and then I am struck by how blessed I am to have sisters that I really love and genuinely really like. I know that not everyone gets along with or connects with their siblings like we do. We are sadly rare. I am so thankful for these goofs.

Here are so fun pics: 


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