Friday, March 4, 2016

Time Giver

Have you ever heard of the book The 5 Love Languages? I never actually read it, but I took a quiz that told me what my "love language" was during our pre-marital counseling. In the book there are 5 love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and receiving gifts.  These are the ways that we show the people we love that we love them. The idea is that we do not give love in the same ways and we do not wish to receive it in the same ways. The quiz we took said that my love language is quality time. Anyone who knows me isn't surprised by that. Spending time with people and supporting them by showing up to things that are important to them is a way that I show love to people that I love.

Today I'm showing myself love by not making myself write so much and getting to go to sleep!

I love you guys (well, I'm assuming I know you if you're reading this... if I don't know you, I just don't love you, YET), let's hang out soon. 💜

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