Monday, March 7, 2016

Will you be my Ducky Wucky?

"Will you be my ducky wucky?" is my favorite game. Here's what you do: you sit in a big circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle has to walk up to people and ask, "will you be my ducky wucky?" and the person asked has to reply, "no, I will not be your ducky wucky. quack. quack. quack." without smiling or laughing. If they laugh or smile, they have to switch spots with the person in the middle and start asking people. It's kind of like the game, "honey, do you love me?" but so much better. Try saying that without smiling or laughing. Really, try it right now. Did you laugh? If you didn't, let me know, it will give me a new goal for our friendship.

Some kids hate this game. I get it. It's super embarrassing. I'm kind of shy, so I usually hate games like this, which is maybe why I extra enjoy making kids at church play them.

What are your favorite campy games?