Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A) dorky B) nerdy C) cool D) all of the above E) I don't care.

Here are some definitions I looked up on the google:



1. socially inept or awkward.
"he teases all the dorky kids"

2. unfashionable.
"why would anyone wear such dorky glasses?"



1. unfashionable and socially inept or boringly studious.
"when I was a nerdy kid, I got bullied a lot"

2. characterized by an obsessive interest in something, especially technology.
"my incredibly nerdy knowledge of videogames"



1. of or at a fairly low temperature.
"it'll be a cool afternoon"

2. showing no friendliness toward a person or enthusiasm for an idea or project.
"he gave a cool reception to the suggestion for a research center"

According to these definitions, I don't quite make the cut for any of these. I'm pretty awkward, but I'd like to think it's in a more endearing way and less of a cringy one. I wouldn't say I'm fashionable, but also would anyone describe jeans and a tank top as dorky or nerdy? No one would ever call me boringly studious, I don't have the attention span for that. And what's the opposite of socially inept? Too social? Obsessive interest, well that's debatable. But my obsessive things usually last a week after I've told every one I know about a thing I like, and I'll tell you, it's never especially technology. I can't find a definition of cool that means what I think it means. I looked up cool on urban dictionary and I regret doing that. But, I'm doubtful I'm cool, either.

I feel like I'm pretty regular?

But, here's a list of things that people might say are dorky, nerdy, or cool, or all of the above:

  • I watched all of the seasons of the new Battlestar Gallactica, just like Dwight.
  • I swinged/ swang on the swings just about every day in college.
  • I took an extra 1.5 years of biblical Greek, because I liked it.
  • I was the homecoming queen in college (at my small private Lutheran college).
  • I've continued to tell people about that, too many years later.
  • I can quote most of Zoolander. And Billy Madison. And A Walk to Remember. 
  • I sang in a choir for like 15 years.
  • I just bought and am currently wearing a giant pair of clear rimmed glasses that allegedly protect my eyes from my screen. They came in a 3 pack.
  • As an adult, I genuinely like Frozen 2. 
  • I was the president of my high school youth group.
  • I was super good at double dutch jump rope in elementary school.
  • I saved my allowance money for like 4 months to get a real pair of adidas.
  • I win at Cards Against Humanity almost every time I play. And then I need confession.
  • I have MANY hymns memorized.
  • I choreographed a dance for me and my friends to perform at the middle school talent show two years in a row (year one was to "Ready to Go" and year two was to a Smashmouth song, but I can't remember which one).
  • I have friends who are doctors and professors and pastors and authors and small business owners.

Well. I think these things balance out. Probably depends on who you ask. I definitely know SEVERAL people who watched Battlestar Galactica too. And by several, I mean at least 4.

I like myself, so that's probably the thing to focus on.

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