Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Very Specific Pet Peeves

Here's a few very specific pet peeves that I have:

  • When people bring their cell phones in yoga class.
  • When people bring their iced coffees in yoga class.                                                              (These are usually the same people.)
  • When people take more than one paper towel to dry off their hands in the bathroom. I used to be one of you. But, then I tried only using one and my hands are equally dry. I promise you only need one. Try it. You don't need 2. You definitely don't need 7.
  • When people say, "welcome to [insert new difficult situation you're in that they have already experienced]" instead of choosing empathy.
  • Being asked if I'm a teenager. Then being told I'll like that question when I'm older when I don't thank them for asking.
(I sound saltier than I feel. It would be okay if I felt as salty as I sound though. But, I don't.) 


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