Friday, March 20, 2020

Narcissim Test

A few years ago it was cool to have FB generate a word collage of your most used words. The bigger the words are in the collage, the more you use them. Do you know what word was in the middle and the largest? It wasn't a word actually, it was just "I." A little convicting. So then I noticed how often I say and type I. It's a lot. It seems more honest to tell my own stories instead of other people's, so I tell more of my own. I don't like to say things too matter-of-factly, because we're in a postmodern age and speaking our own truths and stuff, so I stick with the wise, "I think/believe/hope/wonder," etc. etc. Similarly, I tend to share my reactions to things vs share opinions, ie.: "this made me laugh so much" vs. "this is so funny." This blog's number one used word is also probably I. I've already said I 12ish times, I didn't count very closely (13). So, I talk about myself a lot. How do you know if you just happen to talk about yourself a lot or if you're a narcissist? I didn't know. So, I took a FB test a few years ago called, "How much of a narcissist are you?" I don't know the algorithms, but I'm pretty sure you move up to a certain threshold just for taking the quiz, and another amount for taking FB quizzes in adulthood at all. I will tell you the score- I was just shy of regular American narcissim. Which was a sign of a relief and some amount of despair for our nation. 


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