Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How will our speech evolve in the next year?

I'm sure that it will. I hope it is in a good way. We don't know how long social distancing will last but I'm trying to brace myself for doing this on and off for a year, maybe more. I sort of wrote about this already, but I realized that I am much more reliant on non-verbal communication to express care than I thought- a hug, reaching out and hitting someone's arm when something's really funny, being able to make eye contact, etc.-all of which are either impossible or don't translate well over the internet. I keep wondering if I will adapt to this new life with expressing care better with words? And will we collectively evolve our speech that way? Or will we do the opposite and after not receiving the non-verbal cues of care assume that we're cared for less and express less of it ourselves? Or utilize gifs as a cheap substitute until they don't seem as cheap anymore? Or some in between that I don't seem to have the imagination for right now? 

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