Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The internet in 2004-2005ish.

Here's my experience of the internet then:

  • I had heard of wifi, but I didn't really understand how it worked. It didn't matter anyway, I had a desktop.
  • MySpace was new and the best. My friend Dana visited me in my dorm room and said, "you've got to set up an account on MySpace" and then proceded to make me an account. She's now responsible for many hours I spent editing the layout of my page, figuring out how to send my friends glittery pictures that announced our friendship, picking the perfect song to be the background music on my page, ridiculous photoshoots to add, internet stalking boys I liked, subsequent fights with boys I liked over stupid things they posted to other girls, and the painstaking precision of choosing my "top 8."   
  • Sometime in 2005 my college got added to Facebook, so I added one of those too. It was cool. Not as cool as MySpace though. 
  • AOL Instant Messenger was the primary tool I used to communicate with my friends. My AIM screenname was Shortstuuf. I regularly left away messages that included Fall Out Boy lyrics to communicate my mood and my daily schedule so people would know where to find me and know when I was free to hang out with them.
  • I never would have imagined that the internet could be on my phone one day. That was just for calling people, short text messages, and playing snake.
  • My friends were downloading music from Napster and then burning it on CDs. I was too guilty to do it (it wasn't legal, right?) and also too scared of getting a computer virus.

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