Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I still really love my job.

Today was the most "normal" church day I've had in a while. I mean, it was still very different because of covid, but way more normal-ly.

  • I volunteered at The Open Door's fundraiser in our parking lot, welcoming people who drove up ready to pick up their soup and fun bowl. I talked to other volunteers and got to see several church people who were also volunteering or there to support the fundraiser- people who I haven't gotten to see in such a long time.
  • Ate lunch with a few of my coworkers (real spread out).
  • Had in impromptu conversation about grief with another volunteer.
  • We had a special service for a handful of people who don't have the access for the online worship service. 
  • While we recorded our Holden Evening Prayer service, some of the volunteers from the fundraiser were finishing cleaning up, so I could hear voices outside the sanctuary. Apparently that's a thing I miss and didn't realize it until tonight.
  • We had youth group outside and the kids were thoughtful and funny and filled me with gratitude.
I got home and told Jesse it was one of the best days I've had in a while. It turns out I still really really love my job. It's not that I haven't continued loving my job during the pandemic. There has been joy and gratitude, and holy moments throughout this year. But my real job- the connecting with people, the impromptu sharing of life, the thoughtful and holy conversations with other people- I still really love that. Especially the super busy days like today that leave me pretty exhausted. I've missed this grateful physically tired feeling.

One day when it is safer to gather and do church the way we all long to, and go back to busy days with lots of things and people, it's really good to know that I still really love my job. 

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