Sunday, March 28, 2021


Aaron's been real big into Winnie the Pooh this week. Real big. We listened to the soundtrack of one of the movies about 700 times. Zooey Deschanel sings in most of the songs, so it's not too bad actually. The first few hundred times at least. 

Anyway, for family movie night tonight we watched another Winnie the Pooh movie that we hadn't seen yet- it was the piglet one. And, I have some thoughts about Eeyore. 

I don't think I noticed this before, but Eeyore is pretty much homeless. The rest of his friends have these cool looking houses and Eeyore has a house that he made out of sticks and they fall over half the time. And while they all love him, include him, let him be who he is and show up how he wants to/can show up, it's kind of weird that they never see if he needs some help building a house that won't fall over or keep him warm when it's pouring rain or snowing. 

In the movie tonight there's this big scene where Piglet singlehandedly rebuilds Eeyore's house just like it was- sticks propped up against each other. They all commend Piglet and name Eeyore's house "Pooh's Corner" and then they cram inside and Eeyore says something like, "well it's pretty tight, but I think it will do." It's snowing outside and Eeyore's legs barely fit inside. And after they all give him a bear hug, they're probably going back to their houses with beds. 

I feel like there could be comparisons about the way that we often help people (and then commend ourselves afterward), but then this would definitely be more than 10% serious. 

I also wonder if Eeyore's struggles would be less if he had a warm house to live in. 

Also, I know they're all stuffed animals.

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