Thursday, March 4, 2021

Small Talk and a Sweet Girl Who Loves Unicorns

Aaron's really pretty good at small talk. It's in his genes I think.   

We go for walks and he waves and yells, "hi!" to all kinds of neighbors. Today he yelled to a man walking his dog, "Hi!! My mom has a baby in her tummy!" Last week, I took him ice skating for the first time and we were struggling to get the ice skates on his feet. He looks over at a kid also putting on his ice skates and said, "I've never done this before!" and then he promptly slips and looks over again and says with a shrug, "I'm pretty clumsy. I always fall." The kid apparently wasn't used to grown up small talk from a small child and just stared at Aaron, confused.

Today I took him to the park and this sweet little girl walks up to play at the park. She had on rainbow stretchy pants, a unicorn headband with ears, and a My Little Pony sweatshirt, and she told us she was 6 years old. Aaron looks up and says, "Hi!!!" then he notices her sweatshirt and says, "I know about those ponies! I only remember a few of their names though: Rainbow Dash, Pinky Pie, Apple Jack, and..." And the little girl starts talking about her favorites. They start talking about episodes and some monsters in the show. They talked My Little Pony for like 10 mins straight and they only stopped because we had to leave. She walked over to the park sort of shy and her head down, and by the end of their interaction she was practically glowing and said, "next time you're here, you can come to my house and we can watch it together!" 

Listen, not everyone likes small talk, I know that. But watching my kid make friends with the world and bring joy to people because he is willing to say hi and start a conversation is pretty cool. I bet he could even convert some of you who hate it!  

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