Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Extrovert High > Caffeine

Everyone knows I'm an extrovert.

My husband is 1000% NOT an extrovert. 

I think most couples are like that, right? Our first real date Jesse looked over at me and said, "I like that you talk a lot... then I don't have to."  

I find it so interesting that he genuinely wants to fall asleep after spending a lot of time with people, because I have the opposite problem. When I'm with other humans I get this extrovert high, which feels similar to having a bunch of caffeine. In a normal year, when it's Easter morning or Christmas Eve and people are coming for church and they've invited friends and family and the building is packed, sometimes I actually get shakey from the extroverted joy I feel. It takes me hours to come down from that. 

It works best in real life, but it happens talking to friends online too. Every Thursday I play games and chat with my college besties on zoom. They're all on the west coast, so I'm two hours ahead. We meet at 9:30 and I always have to leave after an hour whether or not I'm tired, because I know that it is going to take me a WHILE to un-extrovert enough to go to sleep.

Flip side, working from home during a pandemic = VERY TIRED.

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