Sunday, March 7, 2021

1000 Hours Outside

A friend of mine told us about the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge. It's not that complicated or hard, just try to spend 1000 hours outside throughout the year. I'm pretty sure I do that every year. I try not to squander good weather sitting inside. I did that for 21 years living in CA and I REGRET IT SO MUCH. In CA it's always going to be nice the next day, and if not the next day, the day after that. So, no need to sit outside in the sunshine, you can do that tomorrow if you want. When I go out to visit, I always try to coax the family into sitting on the patio all day and going for so many walks and hikes, because I AM NOT WASTING ANYMORE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER EVER AGAIN. 

Even though I probably get 1000 hours outside every year anyway,  it's still really tough for me to get motivated to spend time outside when it's cold. I will always go for a walk. I skip a walk like once every three months. But, I generally don't hang around outside after that. Because I hate being cold. Because I'm from CA. 

This challenge has helped so much. Turns out competing with myself for more hours throughout the week works. I'm almost at 100 hours for the year. Which, isn't a TON, but for Minnesota in the winter, I am VERY PROUD OF THAT.

It's also been easy to get some hours this year because we are only really seeing people outside with this pandemic. And you know how much I want to see people. We've bundled up and gone sledding, sat around the campfire with all the clothes, had church services outside here and there during the winter- just to spend time with other humans. I still do not like winter, but for the first time since I've lived where there's a winter, I think I might not HATE it. That's a big deal.

So, you should try it! Being outside is good for your soul. When I was reading the info about the challenge there was FAQ section and one of the questions was, "What if I fail?" and the answer was something like: "Then, you win! Any opportunity you make for your family to be outside is worth it." So, go outside! And, Californians, if you're still feeling resistant, one day when I can safely travel again and get back there, I will make you. 



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