Wednesday, March 10, 2021


I'm pretty sure I have ADHD. I've thought it for years. I've never been officially diagnosed though.  

Here's why I think this:

  • I daydream a lot.
  • I leave things all over the house, and get distracted and then leave them in new places.
  • I think roughly 12 things at once.
  • A third of my sentences begin with, "this is super random but..." (and of course it isn't actually random to me, because I had 12 quick thoughts that led me to this new thought but it all happened pretty quick and I'm not going to explain the complicated and sometimes real weird string of thoughts)
  • Here's how I clean the house: wipe a single window in the living room, pick up some clothes, bring them to child's room, pick up a few things on the floor in child's room, remember that I was dusting the living room, see my floor looks dirty on the way, go to get broom, take a break and look at a text message, go on facebook for 18 hours, wipe down another window, leave out cleaning supplies for a while, etc. etc.
  • Forget things, often. Well, it might actually be less forgetfulness and more being distracted. That's a different kind of forgetting, maybe?
  • I learned recently that ADHD is often undiagnosed in women because it presents itself so differently from men. Typically women with ADHD more often experience symptoms of anxiety and tend to be chatty. I am both anxious and chatty. VERY CHATTY.
  • Sometimes I do really get hyper. I was tonight. I had to slow myself down because I was really ansty and excited. I don't need to run all over the place, but if you could see inside my brain you would see that IT was all over the place and I was talking twice as much.
  • I do not sleep well. Often because of many thoughts that pop up so fast the minute I wake up in the middle of the night. I used to think it was anxiety. It could be, but not all of my thoughts are anxious ones. There's just many of them and they feel very important at 3 am to wonder about. I've been prone to "need" to research gym memberships, preschools for my child, things to do in the summer, what the name of that one guy in that one show's name is (and then subsequently look up like 15 other actors in IMDB), and how I can get a covid vaccine sooner without lying, etc. 
Most of the time I like a lot of these things about me. I like that I'm kind of random, awkward, friendly, excited, creative and often have the ability to initiate a bunch of projects at once. Every now and then these things are a burden. Like the other day when I had too many things to do that I couldn't get myself to do any of them, it was too overwhelming. I finally wrote them in a long list and numbered them, and then it only took me 30 minutes. Or when I miss a deadline or forget something important to someone else. Or my husband has to clean up after me. AND ESPECIALLY THE SLEEP THING. 

Anyway, it would be interesting to find out if I have it. I don't know if I'd do anyting about it if I found out I did, other than the things I'm already doing (exercise, keeping a giant planner, apologize when I need to, listen, etc). But, it could be helpful! Because then instead of prefacing many of those bullet points with, "I think I probably have ADD so..." I could say, "I have ADD so..."

PS. I want you to know that in the middle of writing this, I finished compiling things for a worship service, responded to several text messages, started to pay a bill, and almost started looking up ways that I could get a covid vaccine early without lying (but decided to save that for tonight!).  


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