Monday, March 29, 2021


I've had this post in my head for a while. It seems deep to me, but it probably really isn't. 

A story generally follows a pattern: building of tension, conflict, climax/peak, resolution/ relief. We are people who are interested in stories, we make meaning out of stories, our lives are like unfolding stories, and we are all bound up in one giant story. But also, so much of life around us seems to follow this pattern. This struggle that reaches a peak and then breaks forth into something new. Here's a list I was thinking about one time:

  • Any song worth listening to.
  • Social change (injustice- conflict- building of tension until a breaking point which sometimes is the moment of change) (and also- the tension of the status quo has to be great enough for us to want to act at all)
  • Emotions (builds intensity until release of tears or screams or breath and afterward our feelings often change) 
  • related to the last one- emotional transformation (if we can actually sit through the really uncomfortable, painful feelings, and the intensity that can feel like too much for some, I want to believe we actually can breakthrough to something else. I heard somebody say once recently something like, "I thought it was a breakdown, but it's actually a break THROUGH)
  • Sex (and literally leads to life)
  • Development of relationships (building of tension, conflict, climax of the fight or conflict, new understanding, new place in relationship)
  • Growing/learning/unlearning 
  • Childbirth
  • Exercise/ muscles growing
  • A good sermon
  • Plants that get strong enough to break through the dirt and bloom.
  • Change in seasons  (calm, growth, life, the most beautiful time of the year with color and vibrancy, death)
Here's my deepish thought- we were created with this pattern built into us? Was life created with this pattern built into it? Is struggle the evidence of life about to breakthrough?  

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