Thursday, March 16, 2023

Kid TV/ I would watch Bluey with or without my children present

My kids like TV. I like TV. I sometimes like my kids liking TV. 

Here are my favorite little kid shows, in order:

  1. Bluey 
  2. Bluey
  3. Bluey
  4. Bluey 
  5. Daniel Tiger 
  6. Dino Dana 
  7. Puppy Dog Pals 
  8. Bluey
Here are the shows that I never ever ever want to hear ever again:
  1. Mini Force: Super Dino Power 
  2. Mini Force, regular. 
  3. Super Truck 
I could also do without Pokemon and Sonic. 



  1. I instinctually highlighted the bottom half of this expecting there to be hidden text. No such luck. Funny habit from the old days on Livejournal/Diaryland/Zanga/Myspace/AIM

    1. Ya I did this one from my phone and the formatting got all weird? Haha, I had an angelfire website once!
