Friday, March 17, 2023

For the sake of the group chat

You know how sometimes you're in a group chat with people and someone shares some hard news, but you already know the hard news because they shared it with you privately and you already privately responded, but then you also want to respond in the group chat because you don't want the other people in the group chat to think you've insensitively not acknowledged their hard news? That's a weird thing. 

I usually just do some purple hearts. That's a nice go-to that says, "I care about you and I don't have the words right now." In this awkward group text situation, the reason I don't have the words is because I already said them to you just minutes ago.

When it's my bestie, we both will just text the same thing in the group chat that we've said to each other... and that's because we've already had this whole conversation already and know that we're just responding for the sake of the group chat. 

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