Thursday, March 23, 2023

Questions from a sermon one time

One time I had people pick a bunch of reflection questions out of a bowl during my sermon. They took a while to compile and so to get more use out of them, maybe they're helpful to you? Sub out Mount Calvary for your community of choice (unless you're apart of Mount Calvary and then please don't choose a different community, we like you here! ha):

  •  Are there people at Mount Calvary you haven’t gotten to know yet? What’s stopping you?
  • Are there ministries you want to be a part of or organizations you want to volunteer with/ know more about? What’s stopping you?
  • Who in your life could use a reminder that you love them or that you’re grateful for them?
  • What do you need to say no to? 
  • Is there something you are good at that you’ve been too humble to tell anyone else about?
  • What gifts do you have that you aren’t using to their full potential?
  • Is there someone you need to forgive?
  • Is there someone you need to ask for forgiveness?
  • Who do you find it hard to love? Who is God calling you to care for better?
  • Where do you feel God stirring in your life? 
  • Is there an opportunity you are afraid to say yes to?
  • What do you need to recommit to?
  • What needs a deeper commitment in your life?
  • What is a charitable gift that you can easily give but have not?
  • What is something you are holding on to that you could let go of?
  • Do you need rest? 
  • Is there someone you see regularly that you could offer encouragement or support?
  • Is there something that you are putting off? 
  • How well do you know the people at Mount Calvary of another generation than yours? Could you ask someone a story about their life or the things that bring them joy?
  • Are there places in your life where you need to speak up? Or places you need to bite your tongue?
  • Have you shared with the church council your hopes for the future and the things you value about this faith community?
  • Is there a change you’ve been struggling to embrace?
  • Could you share more of your life with others?
  • Do you have an overly ambitious dream you need to have real hope in?
  • Is there something you feel called to, but it seems too challenging?
  • Is there something you need help with, but have had a hard time asking for help?

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