Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What's my age again?

People are always pretty confused about how old I am. I'm 36, in case you are too. Here is a mix of reasons and anecdotes and a few random thoughts related to age:

  • I'm short. That's confusing for people. Even though most girls stop growing by 14, somehow people expect me to be taller for my age. Or actually, generally just think I'm a lot younger than I am because I'm short. 
  • In college, my roommate asked me to buy her some cigarettes and the guy working at the counter told me I wasn't old enough. I was old enough.
  • Also in college, I chaperoned at 4-6th grade retreat and other adults kept trying to put me in a small group with 4th-6th graders.
  • When I was a new pastor (like 26-27 years old?) I used to go to the middle school at lunch every now and then to say hi to my church kids and one time within 30 seconds I had one kid ask me: "do you go here?" and another kid asked me if I was a mom of one of the kids.
  •  A few years ago I was at a winery and ordered a glass of wine and the guy behind the bar threw my ID on the table and said, "you're lying, you can't be this old!"
  • A few days ago I bought a bottle of wine and I took my ID out at the same time as my credit card. It was in my hand so I asked the guy working if he needed my ID. He said sure, but I know he just said it to be nice. 
  • I went from always always always being carded to all of a sudden never being carded. I kind of hoped I'd slowly ease into that next phase, but I did not.
  • I have always been one of the youngest people in my class, if not the youngest. Most of my friends are older than me. I hang out with lots of people much older than me in my job, which both makes me feel young and much older than I am at the same time. 
  • At a previous church, every single week someone said, "you look like one of the kids"
  • I'm not a young adult anymore. I'm also not going to count myself as middle aged, because I intend to live to 104 or so. I guess I'm just the regular kind of adult. 
  • I thought I'd feel older when I was this age.
  • I also feel a lot older than this age. 
  • I also feel like a child.
  • I'm old enough that I don't like dimly lit, loud restaurants. I've been that old my whole life I think.
I wrote this whole thing with Blink 182 playing in the back of my head.

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