Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Here's a list of the sports(ish) I've played:

  • Kindergarten- gymnastics class at the parks and rec. When you're 5, you basically just walk a balance beam that's on the floor.
  • 2nd grade- karate class. I got bored, so I only made it to a second degree yellow belt, and also I beat the boy down the street in some kind of karate challenge we had to do.
  • 4th grade- some stupid cheerleading class I was so embarrassed to be in.
  • All of elementary school- handball during recess. I was one of the bests I think. 
  • 6th grade- tall flags. We spun flags to "I will walk 500 hundred miles" for warm ups.
  • 9th grade- cross country.
  • 10-12th grade- dance class. It was like the dance team, but not as good. It was fun though and I didn't have to take PE. 
  • High school- our youth group played volleyball (with like 30 people) once a month in the church gym and a few times a year we played broomball with duct taped brooms. I choose to just run a bunch and cheer everyone on whilst holding a broom. I also slid on the ice with bike knee pads.
  • A few summers ago I played sand volleyball with some camp friends- it was the beer league and my role was basically to make sure we had enough people to play.
  • Last summer Aaron and I kicked a ball around and he said I was "a really good soccer player." and I said, "one day you'll realize that's really not true." :-)
So, in conclusion, I don't really know how to play any sports. 

Here are some pics from a broomball "game" in college one time:

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