Monday, March 20, 2023

Hepp Peeeese and Other Words Clara Says

Clara is 20 months! And she says some words. Here's her current list:

  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • Deh-ee (Debbie)
  • Ahh-um (Autumn)
  • Bub
  • Air-nn (Aaron)
  • pup-pup (puppy)
  • ooo-ooo (monkey, because oo oo ahh ahh)
  • hi! (she prefers to sneak up by your face and whisper it all funny)
  • meeee (when she wants something you have)
  • mean (?) (when she's mad that you aren't doing the thing you want her to do)
  • hep peese (help please- what I tell her to say when she's yelling for something)
  • hep, peese! hep peese! hep peese! (what she yells to me when I don't get her out of the crib fast enough in the middle of the night)
  • PEEEEEEEEEEESE (please. I don't know how she already learned to say it in a begging sort of way, but it cracks me up)
  • Eeese (cheese)
  • Esst (chest, which she taps until I clear out a space for her to lay down on my chest)
  • all done (with baby sign, she learned them at the same time)
  • no
  • Dan-nel (Daniel, as in Daniel Tiger)
  • Ayy-ee (Kayti)
  • boop (poop)
  • Ooze (shoes)
These are the words that I've heard her say. She understands most things you say though, so watch out!

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