Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Jesus Year

This year me and most of my friends are turning 33. There are several years that have special things about them:

1: obvi
5: half way to 10
10: double digits
13: teenager
16: sweet 16
18: adult-ish
21: adult
22: when all year you get to sing Taylor Swift
23: what’s my age again?
25: quarter of a century
30: grown up adult
... then there’s
33: the Jesus year

I’ll stop there because I’m typing this on my phone and because we’ve arrived at the actual point of this post: that 33 is the Jesus year.

I’ve heard that scholars think Jesus was about 33 when he was crucified. So, when all my friends who are already 33 or turned 33 when I knew them, I told them, “oh, you’re the same age as Jesus when he died (and lived again, and destroyed the power of death, etc. etc. I didn’t add that last bit, but maybe I should’ve).”

Well, that’s it really. The Jesus year. It’s coming in like 6.5 months for me.

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