Thursday, March 14, 2019

Christmas Cards

Let me show you what our Christmas cards looked like this year:

They said Merry Christmas on them too with some fancy font. You didn't get one though. No one did. 

I decided this year to be so smart with our money and get the best deal. I found a groupon for holiday cards- $25 for 100 cards. That's really the cheapest I've seen, plus I had some promo code I could use- so I got a voucher for 100 cards and spent maybe $16? I was so excited. I told a lot of people about my sweet deal.

Then I went to buy our cards. I logged in to printerpix. 



That was the red flag.

It took me several tries and one online chat with a support person, but eventually I could place the order, and so I clicked on 2 sets of 50 cards.

Two weeks later, on Christmas eve, our package of cards arrived. It was really light. Too light. Maybe a proof? I opened it. There were two cards and two envelopes. Just the two.

Shipping was $10 I think. 

It's hard to know if they switched the quantities from 50 to 1 or if it was user error, but I'm pretty sure I did it right. I emailed the company asking for them to print new cards for me and they said they could help if I paid them another $7 for shipping. I didn't trust them and it's like March now, so I just swallowed the $25 I spent on 2 cards (that I also kept, so I wouldn't have to pick who got them, and mostly because I lost them).

Merry Christmas! (if you've been waiting to hear it from me) 


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