Friday, March 15, 2019

Please Don't Pick Your Nose

...that's just a good rule in general, I think. At least in public. But also in private if you haven't washed your hands. My number one fear of all time is throwing up, and I'm HYPER aware of how stomach bug germs spread. During the late fall through early spring, I just assume stomach flu germs are on everything. So, if I touch anything without washing my hands, I assume that the stomach flu germs are on my hands. And if they're on my hands, I know that if I rub my eyes, pick my nose, or put my fingers in my mouth without washing them... I just put all the stomach flu germs in my body. So, I don't do that, and I wash my hands about 3x more than people should. I'm really walking the line between cautious and crazy. In conclusion, don't pick your nose. And, like, keep a hand santizer around.

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