Sunday, March 17, 2019

Home & Garden Show + The Art of Saying No

A few weeks ago we went to the Home & Garden Show- it is this giant event where a zil home improvement vendors have displays and pamphlets to give you and try to convince you to hire them to do whatever home improvement project you might have. We took all the pamphlets. The other thing I did... I did (Jesse was smart enough to never do this)... was enter a bunch of contests to win a free bathroom, free basement renovation, new patio, etc. I knew I wasn't going to win, but I put my name and all my contact info on like 10 sheets just in case. I did not win a free bathroom, free basement renovation, or a new patio. But I have received several phone calls cornering me into a free consultation. And now I have some real life practice saying no to people. It's good for me because I'm not good at saying no normally. But, I'll probably get several more contractor-like vendors calling me soon to say no to. Practice makes perfect.

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