Monday, March 18, 2019

YOLO. Exactly.

Do people still say YOLO? (Fam, it stands for You Only Live Once)

Well, for the sake of this, if they don't, think back to like a year ago when they did, or maybe two. I don't know. I have a kid. I'm too tired for trends.

People usually say it when they're about to do something risky or stupid. *Insert risky and stupid things people might want to do* It's like a "what have I got to lose?" or "this is my chance to try this ridiculous thing," "I think people might think I'm brave after I try this" kind of thing... YOLO, might as well try it.

Here's what I think: you only live once. Why are you going to risk your perfectly okay, possibly even great, life? To me, YOLO should really be reframed. YOLO, how are you going to be the kind of person you're proud of? How are you going to care for your family and your community? YOLO, are you caring for yourself in a way that gives some hope for a long life or that demonstrates you think life is precious? YOLO, maybe you want to watch less TV and try not to mindlessly scroll on the internet? YOLO, maybe you'll be risky in the important ways- like loving someone else, like sharing who you are, standing up for those who are vulnerable or looked over, or taking steps to live out a dream you've had? YOLO.

So, how are you going to do it?

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